Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here's what you do..

Some NDI* in the office has received a court order from the AEC, because the AEC had fined them for not voting last year (clearly ignoring Dave's advice to vote early and often!)

Naturally, Dave piped up with some sage wisdom to share:

"Look mate. Those debt collectors have bought your debt from the AEC for 15% of its value. So here's what you do... you offer the repos one chance to get their 15%, in cash, here and now, maybe a little more to sweeten the deal. Then you remind them that if they don't take it, they run the risk of taking you to court and getting bubkas obviously, I'm paraphrasing here, Dave doesn't know Yiddish - ed.]. Mate, let me tell you, they take the cash every single time!"

You think about that...

* non Dave individual

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